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Have someone to daydream with!

Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee Yum Yum tee
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Yum Yum tee
If you ever want to see this sloth happy, just give him some food : )

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Quick fix all solution to dealing with different situations, just sleep it off!